Here is our full strategy we use to promote top 1% OF girls on Reddit using this panel:
Find HQ Subreddits
Make a list of subreddits to post on -
Post Gifs
The best posts are usually gifs
1. Get model to make a 3 second video
2. Convert to Gif using
3. Optimise Gif (reduce file size to less than 15 MB)
4. Attach file to subreddit to post
Upvotes Order
You need to use an instant start reddit upvoting panel like us to get into the Hot section
1. Post on a subreddit
1. Buy approx. 80-100 upvotes at 1-1.5 per min (Need to do this straight after posting)
This will boost your subreddit to the Hot section and get more views
Automatic Payment Methods (through the site):
Not at all, all of our accounts are real, hand grown, high karma aged accounts - you can expect the same results you get from a real account upvoting your post
We currently provide support through multiple channels, feel free to use what ever suits you: